Z – Thanks – OLD!

aka – freebies, downloads, useful stuff

 Thank you for the support of attending one of our events.  The buttons in each section will take you to the downloads.  As always, if you have questions – email, call or text!

Here is to accelerating success! 

Keep track of to dos. Write is all down!

This worksheet helps you understand, create and develop non-negotiable tasks as part of your daily routine.  Remember – eat frogs first. 

* Presented to NAWIC Las Vegas, EastVale Chamber of Commerce, Happy Neighborhood Project.


This is a spreadsheet designed to help determine monetization of various aspects of a business.  It can be used for both tracking and projecting.

* As mentioned on Educating Your Money Podcast
* As presented to HNP Members & Co-Hosts, NAWIC Las Vegas, TEAM Referral Network


This is a spreadsheet designed to help create, track and review commercials given at events.   Very helpful in determining the “seasons” of your business.

* As presented to TEAM Referral Network, Happy Neighborhood Project, multiple master classes, #75DaysofShift video series


Whether electronic, paper or both - keep a schedule!

This is a worksheet designed to help determine which activities within your business fit into which pillar. Balancing your time between the 3 pillars will help in accelerating success.

* As presented to EastVale Chamber of Commerce, NAWIC Las Vegas, TEAM Referral Network, 


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Let's schedule your success

One quick step!

Drop your name and email and we’ll send you a download link for the Commercial Strategies Worksheet.

One quick step!

Drop your name and email and we’ll send you a download link for the Three Pillars worksheet.

One quick step!

Drop your name and email and we’ll send you a download link for the Speaker Packet.

One quick step!

Drop your name and email and we’ll send you a download link for the Monetization Worksheet.

One quick step!

Drop your name and email and we’ll send you a download link for the SMART Worksheet.

One quick step!

Drop your name and email and we’ll send you a download link for the Non-Negotiables Worksheet.